Used to observe tooth structure, bone damage, tooth positions, etc
Can be used to determine the cause of tooth pain.
Typically panoramic X Rays are used to check for wisdom teeth.
Expose people to small amounts of radiation.
Resin Composite Fillings $150 per tooth
Composite fillings are used in the treatment of cavities. After bacteria and decayed structure is removed it is filled with an air-tight filling to prevent any further bacteria.
Can last for up to 10 decades which makes them cost-efficient.
Typically can be done in 1 visit.
Crowns $500-3,000
A “cap” typically made out of porcelain that goes on top of a damaged tooth.
Can last 20-30 years.
Normally take 3 visits (prep, impression, seating of the permanent crown).
Can be expensive.
Can look completely natural and is very efficient.
Dentures $1500-15,000
An appliance inserted into the mouth that replaces natural teeth.
Last resort treatment after natural teeth are gone.
Can be fit securely with implants placed into the mouth.