SEP10 Freedom Project

This year in 10th grade SEP we were tasked with spending the year researching a topic and then creating a website about it using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), CSS (Cascade Styling Sheets) and a tool we had to learn on our own. My topic was Dentistry and the tool I learned was Jekyll.

I choose dentistry as my topic because I have been working as a dental assistant for over a year. I used Jekyll to write the content of my website quickly because I was able to just write it in markdown and then it gets converted to HTML. I used a Jekyll template to speed up the process which came in a blog format. I used each blog post as a different component of the required information which was current hardware, software, and future technology. I also created a timeline on the home page to show the history of important dental events such as the first dental school opening and first mass produced toothpaste. One challenge I had was getting images to load because Jekyll doesn't use a relative file strucutre for images. They are instead based on the file structure of the _site folder. I also created a quiz using Javascript to see if someone should go into dentistry based on the American Dental Education Association's most common personality traits in dentists. First I gather all the form responses. Next I convert the responses into numbers. Finally, I add up all the numbers and based on the result I give a response ranging from maybe to consider. My big takeaway from this project is to manage my time well because I delayed working on a lot of stuff which meant lots of last minute changes and fixes. My next steps is to keep working on web development and improve my knowledge so I don't forget what I learned this year.

function wordtoPoints(word) {
    return word == "yes" ? 5 : (word == "sometimes" ? 2 : 0);