Movie Webpage Project

On October 27, 2022, Mr Mueller gave us a new project. The project was we had to create a movie trailer and then make it into a website using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and CSS (Cascade Styling Sheets) which we learned in class and FreeCodeCamp. In addition, we were partnered up with the person sitting next to us, which helped with efficiency. My partner and I came up with the tittle "The Tear Jar" because we knew we wanted to make a horror movie trailer.

To make the trailer, we had to follow the rubric. We needed at least 2 images, and then use paragraphs, headings, divs, spams, inputs. The story is about a man who lost his loved ones to a serial killer called The Tear Jar Killer. He is known as this because he cuts his victim's tear ducts out. He is a very skilled killer, but the main character, Bill, has the power of common sense. My partner and I came up with this story because we joked about jars of tears and then got the idea to make our project related to that.

One of the main challenges was creating a good story. I sent a lot of time coming up with the story idea in order to make the best story possible. Another challenge we had was figuring out how we wanted to visually structure the website. Some major takeaways are that we are able to apply our knowledge of basic web development in order to make a good project. The elements we used were paragraphs, headings, divs , and spam which allowed me and my partner to easily represent our story. Another takeaway is that replit actually has a nice structure and is very simple to use. The next step I want to take is trying some of the other css lessons on FreeCodeCamp so I can better looking websites. I also want to start doing the JavaScript lessons in order to start making websites more dynamic.
