CYOA Project

On January 17, 2023 we were given a new project. The project was we had to use file linking to create a choose your own adventure game. My partner Benjamin and I used HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) to create our adventure because if we used Markdown we wouldn't get extra credit. We used the prompt "attack of the spanish teachers" to create our adventure because it felt familiar.

To create the adventure we had to follow the rubric which included having at least 1 sub-directory and 10 files. The main point of the adventure is the ending because it perfectly represents what happens when you get into an argument with a teacher. No matter the context 99.99% of the time you lose. This is perfectly modeled in our adventure because no matter the choices you make, you will always lose. It doesn't matter if you were ontime or late to class eventually there will be a reason for you being in trouble. This concept might be based on a true story.

One of the main challenges was creating and organizing all the files. Because we used HTML we had to make sure there were no small coding mistakes that could ruin the whole functionality and appearance of the website. Because of my prior coding knowlege I already had experience linking files howeve, it was still difficult managing all 12 of our files. It did help though that we worked as a team to get things done faster. Another challenge was that because me and my partner were in different periods we had to remember to communicate who had to do what. Frequent communication was also important because if one of us encountered a bug, the other could help. Some major takeaways are: me and my partner make a great team, this project is alot easier if you use the same class to style all the content on each page, and if you have problems linking files together just check the file structure. My next step is I want to add Javascript to future projects because I started learning it outside of school. I think this will make future projects more creative and functional.
